Sunday, October 3, 2021

My name on jersey.

Cricket is almost like a religion to our country,  but I never liked cricket at all. When I used to see my friends playing gully cricket or my brother and father going crazy for watching match first, or informing scores to each other on phone. In our life some steps just change our perception towards certain things.  It happened in my life too, it was when my husband asked me that do you wanna take part in our jain society's women cricket,  in a very short span of seconds ,I said yes why not let's try. He replied wonderful  and he just registered my name shortly.  Than the time of just  imagination faded and  reality of having zero knowledge about cricket was a big stress.  Than I  discussed with this with my inlaws and my husband il(Akash) that , I had said yes for cricket competition in excitement  but I don't know the meaning of even over,  they were stressed too that how I will play and learn in couple of days,  during that time my partner actually my best support system,  motivated me , I still remembered those special words .he told,"so what you don't know anything about cricket,  try to learn about it via internet, than start practice and I will help you too". Those words were just tonic to my worries,🥰 and seeing my interest even my mum in law was happy and motivated me to learn and practice.  Than the warm up practice was decided and being confident outside, totally nervous inside that was my state of mind. It was totally different feeling wearing tracks and sports Tshirt,  having bat in one hand 👕,rushing to ground with full excitement and happiness of learning a different skill.  Some flashback memories of life are so unique that it can't be described in few words.  So from discussion on whatsapp groups to meeting all players , so that time while practicing,  I realized the pressure seeing others play so well. The interest of playing cricket started developing like students start focusing on studies under the pressure of getting good marks or getting  atleast slowly and steadily our practice started getting more serious and sometimes even twice a day. We all loved our team's passion and clear cut to win. Yes there were some days of little mismatched of thoughts between players or junior players feeling little low, but all started vanish when every player of team wanted to learn and teach each other about game. Friendship  gossiping,  discussions , balancing studies, home chores,  babies etc we all gone through was mesmerizing beautiful.  I remembered close to our competition, days came when me and my husband were going on honeymoon and in excitement of visiting kashmir,  I still miss those cricket practice.  Even in kashmir,  when I saw those little kids playing cricket,  I was like,  akash can we stop our car and play some cricket too, he was obviously just smiling at my craziness 😂😂😂. So right from coming home , next day practice started and yes before going to kashmir due to much practice with my husband, brother in law, my teammates. My game improved and our coach sir replied,  it was so special for me. When your teacher appreciates you for your hardwork and improvement.  I felt so happy.i really appreciate my teammates,  coach sir (hitesh uncle) and not to forget our sponsor (manisha aunty) .Also the precious moment of seeing my name on the jersey,  yes I felt proud of myself and all supporters  of mine.    Everything was going smooth,  until the twist came, when our captain(bhavna) couldn't joined our game due to her father in law's death and the captainship was passed to our new captain moksha. Everything was balanced very well by her too. Finally the day came we played thrice and won all three game, I remembered we were dancing with happiness,  playing garba on ground, even the audience were enjoying seeing us winning.  So all's good that ends well. I realized that even our team wouldn't had won match, but the idea of taking a step to learn is important. After all learning will always be worth it. Life really becomes easy when you have people who motivates you to pursue and participate. 

Sunday, May 23, 2021

Why not????

Sorry guys being so late with any topic. Honestly, the recent covid situation had also impacted my interest to write or learn something new . Yes, I agree there has been lot of negativity around all over the world. Watching News on T.V, Social Media has become very depressive these days, but simultaneously we should also not forget to  appreciate the hardwork of the selfless services rendered by our real life "Heroes" who work day and night for the welfare of the people. 

So here I have come up with an idea of writing about one of my Relative, who has inspired me thoroughly with his hardwork, dedication and lot of struggles.  His name is Sir (Dr.) Shantilalji M Jain whose Clinic is in Hariyali Village, Vikhroli (East) . His work schedule will seriously shock you with so long working hours and the rare thing is treating people with the lowest fees and  sometimes even for the free to the patients who can't afford even 20 rupees. Frankly speaking working nowadays with such conditions is not practically possible , as we all have to deal with our lifestyle expenses . In all his journey of working now till being 70 plus age , so equal credit goes to his team and staff of compounders and helpers who too share their contribution in this noble service. So we all know how we are being charged by the Medical Professionals (A big fat amount), which puts a big hole specially to the middle class, the poor and the needy people. But yes He still makes me believe that  people like.Dr. Jain who wants to work hard to do something good for the Mankind. A big salute to him for working with so much dedication even after suffering from so many struggles in every phase of life. And ofcourse, his journey would have been really incomplete without the support of his better half (Mrs .Manjula Shantilalji Jain) and also one of  his biggest support from his elder brother Roopchandji M Jain. Obviously working for so many years provides lots of life experiences.

 His advice to the Youth and everyone is to follow one's passion and to learn each and everything from basics.  

So sincere salute to all our unsung heroes whose hardwork rarely get highlighted or appreciated. It was a tiny attempt from my side to appreciate the positivity and genuineness by giving Dr Jain's example.  

Yes even today there are people who want to bring some good change in others life without any unrealistic expectations.  This article would not have been possible without inputs from Dr Jain's granddaughter, Isha Jain and his youngest daughter, Sarika Jain.                        Article by  Richa.pravin.punmiya.

My name on jersey.

Cricket is almost like a religion to our country,  but I never liked cricket at all. When I used to see my friends playing gully cricket or ...